Source code for terrainbento.boundary_handlers.not_core_node_baselevel_handler

# coding: utf8
# !/usr/env/python
"""**NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** modifies elevation for not-core nodes."""

import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]class NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler(object): """Control the elevation of all nodes that are not core nodes. The **NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** controls the elevation of all nodes on the model grid with ``status != 0`` (i.e., all not-core nodes). The elevation change at these nodes is specified either as a constant rate, or through a text file that specifies the elevation change through time. Through the parameter ``modify_core_nodes`` the user can determine if the core nodes should be moved in the direction (up or down) specified by the elevation change directive, or if the non-core nodes should be moved in the opposite direction. The **NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** expects that ``topographic__elevation`` is an at-node model grid field. It will modify this field as well as the field ``bedrock__elevation``, if it exists. Note that **NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** increments time at the end of the **run_one_step** method. """
[docs] def __init__( self, grid, modify_core_nodes=False, lowering_rate=None, lowering_file_path=None, model_end_elevation=None, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- grid : landlab model grid modify_core_nodes : boolean, optional Flag to indicate if the core nodes or the non-core nodes will be modified. Default is False, indicating that the boundary nodes will be modified. lowering_rate : float, optional Lowering rate of the outlet node. One of ``lowering_rate`` and ``lowering_file_path`` is required. Units are implied by the model grids spatial scale and the time units of ``step``. Negative values mean that the outlet lowers. lowering_file_path : str, optional Lowering history file path. One of ``lowering_rate`` and `lowering_file_path` is required. Units are implied by the model grids spatial scale and the time units of ``step``. This file should be readable with ``np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1, delimiter=",")`` Its first column is time and its second colum is the elevation change at the outlet since the onset of the model run. Negative values mean the outlet lowers. model_end_elevation : float, optional Average elevation of the nodes_to_lower at the end of the model run duration. When the outlet is lowered based on an lowering_file_path, a ``model_end_elevation`` can be set such that lowering is scaled based on the starting and ending outlet elevation. Default behavior is to not scale the lowering pattern. Examples -------- Start by creating a landlab model grid and set its boundary conditions. >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 5)) >>> z = mg.add_zeros("node", "topographic__elevation") >>> mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(bottom_is_closed=True, ... left_is_closed=True, ... right_is_closed=True, ... top_is_closed=True) >>> mg.set_watershed_boundary_condition_outlet_id( ... 0, mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"], -9999.) >>> print(z.reshape(mg.shape)) [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]] Now import the **NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** and instantiate. >>> from terrainbento.boundary_handlers import ( ... NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler) >>> bh = NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler(mg, ... modify_core_nodes = False, ... lowering_rate = -0.1) >>> bh.run_one_step(10.0) We should expect that the boundary nodes (except for node 0) will all have lowered by -1. >>> print(z.reshape(mg.shape)) [[-1. -1. -1. -1. -1.] [-1. 0. 0. 0. -1.] [-1. 0. 0. 0. -1.] [-1. 0. 0. 0. -1.] [-1. -1. -1. -1. -1.]] If we wanted instead for all of the non core nodes to change their elevation, we would set ``modify_core_nodes = True``. >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 5)) >>> z = mg.add_zeros("node", "topographic__elevation") >>> mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(bottom_is_closed=True, ... left_is_closed=True, ... right_is_closed=True, ... top_is_closed=True) >>> mg.set_watershed_boundary_condition_outlet_id( ... 0, mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"], -9999.) >>> from terrainbento.boundary_handlers import ( ... NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler) >>> bh = NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler(mg, ... modify_core_nodes = True, ... lowering_rate = -0.1) >>> bh.run_one_step(10.0) >>> print(z.reshape(mg.shape)) [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 1. 1. 0.] [ 0. 1. 1. 1. 0.] [ 0. 1. 1. 1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]] More complex baselevel histories can be provided with a ``lowering_file_path``. """ self.model_time = 0.0 self.grid = grid self.modify_core_nodes = modify_core_nodes self.z = self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] # determine which nodes to lower # based on which are lowering, set the prefactor correctly. if self.modify_core_nodes: self.nodes_to_lower = self.grid.status_at_node == 0 self.prefactor = -1.0 else: self.nodes_to_lower = self.grid.status_at_node != 0 self.prefactor = 1.0 if (lowering_file_path is None) and (lowering_rate is None): raise ValueError( ( "NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler requires one of " "lowering_rate and lowering_file_path" ) ) else: if lowering_rate is None: # initialize outlet elevation object if os.path.exists(lowering_file_path): elev_change_df = np.loadtxt( lowering_file_path, skiprows=1, delimiter="," ) time = elev_change_df[:, 0] elev_change = elev_change_df[:, 1] model_start_elevation = np.mean( self.z[self.nodes_to_lower] ) if model_end_elevation is None: self.scaling_factor = 1.0 else: self.scaling_factor = np.abs( model_start_elevation - model_end_elevation ) / np.abs(elev_change[0] - elev_change[-1]) outlet_elevation = ( self.scaling_factor * self.prefactor * elev_change_df[:, 1] ) + model_start_elevation self.outlet_elevation_obj = interp1d( time, outlet_elevation ) self.lowering_rate = None else: raise ValueError( ( "The lowering_file_path provided " "to NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler does not " "exist." ) ) elif lowering_file_path is None: self.lowering_rate = lowering_rate self.outlet_elevation_obj = None else: raise ValueError( ( "Both an lowering_rate and a " "lowering_file_path have been provided " "to NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler. Please provide " "only one." ) )
[docs] def run_one_step(self, step): """Run **NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** forward and update elevations. The **run_one_step** method provides a consistent interface to update the terrainbento boundary condition handlers. In the **run_one_step** routine, the **NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** will either lower the closed or raise the non-closed nodes based on inputs specified at instantiation. Note that **NotCoreNodeBaselevelHandler** increments time at the end of the **run_one_step** method. Parameters ---------- step : float Duration of model time to advance forward. """ # next, lower the correct nodes the desired amount # first, if we do not have an outlet elevation object if self.outlet_elevation_obj is None: # calculate lowering amount and subtract self.z[self.nodes_to_lower] += ( self.prefactor * self.lowering_rate * step ) # if bedrock__elevation exists as a field, lower it also other_fields = [ "bedrock__elevation", "lithology_contact__elevation", ] for of in other_fields: if of in self.grid.at_node: self.grid.at_node[of][self.nodes_to_lower] += ( self.prefactor * self.lowering_rate * step ) # if there is an outlet elevation object else: # if bedrock__elevation exists as a field, lower it also # calcuate the topographic change required to match the current # time"s value for outlet elevation. This must be done in case # bedrock elevation exists, and must be done before the topography # is lowered mean_z = np.mean(self.z[self.nodes_to_lower]) self.topo_change = mean_z - self.outlet_elevation_obj( self.model_time ) other_fields = [ "bedrock__elevation", "lithology_contact__elevation", ] for of in other_fields: if of in self.grid.at_node: self.grid.at_node[of][ self.nodes_to_lower ] -= self.topo_change # lower topography self.z[self.nodes_to_lower] -= self.topo_change # increment model time self.model_time += step