Welcome to the terrainbento documentation! ============================================== terrainbento is a python package for multi-model analysis in Earth surface dynamics. It was built on top of the `Landlab Toolkit`_. .. _Landlab Toolkit: https://landlab.github.io You can find all the source code, request additional features, or report a bug in the `GitHub repository`_. .. _GitHub repository: https://github.com/TerrainBento/terrainbento The goal of terrainbento is to make it easier to create alternative Earth surface dynamics models. The package has six main parts that support this goal. First, a model base class called :py:class:`ErosionModel` contains the functionality required across models (e.g. reading in input files, writing output). Two specialized base classes also exist for models that use stochastic hydrology (:py:class:`~terrainbento.base_class.stochastic_erosion_model.StochasticErosionModel`) or multiple lithology layers (:py:class:`TwoLithologyErosionModel`) . Second, a set of :py:mod:`Boundary Condition Handlers ` provide tools to set and modify boundary conditions during a model run. Third, a set of :py:mod:`Precipitators ` permits alternative approaches to specifying spatially and temporally variable precipitation. Fourth, a set of :py:mod:`Runoff Generators ` allows for alternative approaches for converting rainfall into runoff. Fifth, we provide an initial set of landscape evolution models derived from the base class. These models increase in complexity from a base model to models with one, two, or three differences from the base mode. Finally, a :py:class:`~terrainbento.model_template.model_template.ModelTemplate` provides an skeleton of a model made with the main base class that can be used to create your own terrainbento model. A number of Jupyter Notebook Tutorials have been developed to highlight how to use terrainbento. They can be found in `the terrainbento tutorials repository`_. .. _the terrainbento tutorials repository: https://github.com/TerrainBento/examples_tests_and_tutorials Model Base Class ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/terrainbento.base_class Clock ----- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/terrainbento.clock Boundary Condition Handlers --------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/terrainbento.boundary_handlers Precipitators ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/terrainbento.precipitators RunoffGenerators ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/terrainbento.runoff_generators Derived Models -------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/terrainbento.derived_models Model Template -------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 source/terrainbento.model_template Indices ======= * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`