Source code for terrainbento.clock.clock

"""Clock sets the run duration and timestep in terrainbento model runs."""

import yaml

[docs]class Clock(object): """terrainbento clock."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filelike): """Construct a Clock from a yaml file. Parameters ---------- filelike : file-like Examples -------- >>> from io import StringIO >>> from terrainbento import Clock >>> filelike = StringIO(''' ... start: 0 ... step: 10 ... stop: 100 ... ''') >>> clock = Clock.from_file(filelike) >>> clock.start 0.0 >>> clock.stop 100.0 >>> clock.step 10.0 """ try: with open(filelike, "r") as f: params = yaml.safe_load(f) except TypeError: params = yaml.safe_load(filelike) return cls.from_dict(params)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, params): """Construct a Clock from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- param : dict-like Examples -------- >>> from terrainbento import Clock >>> params = {"start": 0, "step": 10, "stop": 100} >>> clock = Clock.from_dict(params) >>> clock.start 0.0 >>> clock.stop 100.0 >>> clock.step 10.0 """ return cls(**params)
[docs] def __init__(self, start=0.0, step=10.0, stop=100.0): """ Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Model start time. Default is 0. stop : float, optional Model stop time. Default is 100. step : float, optional Model time step. Default is 10. Examples -------- >>> from terrainbento import Clock The follow constructs the default clock. >>> clock = Clock() >>> clock.start 0.0 >>> clock.stop 100.0 >>> clock.step 10.0 User specified parameters may be provided. >>> clock = Clock(start=0, step=200, stop=2400) >>> clock.start 0.0 >>> clock.stop 2400.0 >>> clock.step 200.0 """ try: self.start = float(start) except ValueError: msg = ( "Clock: Required parameter *start* is " "not compatible with type float." ) raise ValueError(msg) try: self.step = float(step) except ValueError: msg = ( "Clock: Required parameter *step* is " "not compatible with type float." ) raise ValueError(msg) try: self.stop = float(stop) except ValueError: msg = ( "Clock: Required parameter *stop* is " "not compatible with type float." ) raise ValueError(msg) if self.start > self.stop: msg = "Clock: *start* is larger than *stop*." raise ValueError(msg)