Source code for terrainbento.derived_models.model_basic

# coding: utf8
# !/usr/env/python
"""terrainbento **Basic** model program.

Erosion model program using linear diffusion, stream power, and discharge.

Landlab components used:
    1. `FlowAccumulator <>`_
    2. `DepressionFinderAndRouter <>`_ (optional)
    3. `FastscapeEroder <>`_
    4. `LinearDiffuser <>`_

from landlab.components import FastscapeEroder, LinearDiffuser
from terrainbento.base_class import ErosionModel

[docs]class Basic(ErosionModel): r"""**Basic** model program. This model program evolves a topographic surface, :math:`\eta`, with the following governing equation: .. math:: \frac{\partial \eta}{\partial t} = -K Q^{m}S^{n} + D\nabla^2 \eta where :math:`Q` is the local stream discharge, :math:`S` is the local slope, :math:`m` and :math:`n` are the discharge and slope exponent parameters, :math:`K` is the erodibility by water, and :math:`D` is the regolith transport efficiency. Refer to `Barnhart et al. (2019) <>`_ Table 5 for full list of parameter symbols, names, and dimensions. The following at-node fields must be specified in the grid: - ``topographic__elevation`` """ _required_fields = ["topographic__elevation"]
[docs] def __init__( self, clock, grid, m_sp=0.5, n_sp=1.0, water_erodibility=0.0001, regolith_transport_parameter=0.1, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- clock : terrainbento Clock instance grid : landlab model grid instance The grid must have all required fields. m_sp : float, optional Drainage area exponent (:math:`m`). Default is 0.5. n_sp : float, optional Slope exponent (:math:`n`). Default is 1.0. water_erodibility : float, optional Water erodibility (:math:`K`). Default is 0.0001. regolith_transport_parameter : float, optional Regolith transport efficiency (:math:`D`). Default is 0.1. **kwargs : Keyword arguments to pass to :py:class:`ErosionModel`. Importantly these arguments specify the precipitator and the runoff generator that control the generation of surface water discharge (:math:`Q`). Returns ------- Basic : model object Examples -------- This is a minimal example to demonstrate how to construct an instance of model **Basic**. For more detailed examples, including steady-state test examples, see the terrainbento tutorials. To begin, import the model class. >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> from landlab.values import random >>> from terrainbento import Clock, Basic >>> clock = Clock(start=0, stop=100, step=1) >>> grid = RasterModelGrid((5,5)) >>> _ = random(grid, "topographic__elevation") Construct the model. >>> model = Basic(clock, grid) Running the model with ```` would create output, so here we will just run it one step. >>> model.run_one_step(1.) >>> model.model_time 1.0 """ # Call ErosionModel"s init super().__init__(clock, grid, **kwargs) # verify correct fields are present. self._verify_fields(self._required_fields) # Get Parameters: self.m = m_sp self.n = n_sp self.K = water_erodibility self.regolith_transport_parameter = regolith_transport_parameter # Instantiate a FastscapeEroder component self.eroder = FastscapeEroder( self.grid, K_sp=self.K, m_sp=self.m, n_sp=self.n, discharge_field="surface_water__discharge", erode_flooded_nodes=self._erode_flooded_nodes, ) # Instantiate a LinearDiffuser component self.diffuser = LinearDiffuser( self.grid, linear_diffusivity=self.regolith_transport_parameter )
[docs] def run_one_step(self, step): """Advance model **Basic** for one time-step of duration step. The **run_one_step** method does the following: 1. Creates rain and runoff, then directs and accumulates flow. 2. Assesses the location, if any, of flooded nodes where erosion should not occur. 3. Assesses if a :py:mod:`PrecipChanger` is an active boundary handler and if so, uses it to modify the erodibility by water. 4. Calculates detachment-limited erosion by water. 5. Calculates topographic change by linear diffusion. 6. Finalizes the step using the :py:mod:`ErosionModel` base class function **finalize__run_one_step**. This function updates all boundary handlers handlers by ``step`` and increments model time by ``step``. Parameters ---------- step : float """ # create and move water self.create_and_move_water(step) # If a PrecipChanger is being used, update the eroder"s K value. if "PrecipChanger" in self.boundary_handlers: self.eroder.K = ( self.K * self.boundary_handlers[ "PrecipChanger" ].get_erodibility_adjustment_factor() ) # Do some water erosion (but not on the flooded nodes) self.eroder.run_one_step(step) # Do some soil creep self.diffuser.run_one_step(step) # Finalize the run_one_step_method self.finalize__run_one_step(step)
[docs]def main(): # pragma: no cover """Execute model.""" import sys try: infile = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print( ( "To run a terrainbento model from the command line you must " "include input file name on command line" ) ) sys.exit(1) model = Basic.from_file(infile)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()